Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Eat your Cruciferous Veggies

Cruciferous Vegetables Health Benefits
Optimize Your Cells' Detoxification / Cleansing Ability
  List of Cruciferous Vegetables

Chinese broccoli (kai-lan)
Rapini (broccoli rabe)
turnip root; greens
mustard seeds, brown; greens
arugula (rocket)

The phytonutrients in cruciferous vegetables initiate an intricate dance inside our cells in which gene response elements direct and balance the steps among dozens of detoxification enzyme partners, each performing its own protective role in perfect balance with the other dancers. The natural synergy that results optimizes our cells' ability to disarm and clear free radicals and toxins, including potential carcinogens, which may be why cruciferous vegetables appear to lower our risk of cancer more effectively than any other vegetables or fruits.
Recent studies show that those eating the most cruciferous vegetables have a much lower risk of prostate, colorectal and lung cancer-even whencompared to those who regularly eat other vegetables:
In a study of over 1,000 men conducted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA, those eating 28 servings of vegetables a week had a 35% lower risk of prostate cancer, but those consuming just 3 or more servings of cruciferous vegetables each week had a 44% lower prostate cancer risk.
In the Netherlands Cohort Study on Diet and Cancer, in which data was collected on over 100,000 people for more than 6 years, those eating the most vegetables benefited with a 25% lower risk of colorectal cancers, but those eating the most cruciferous vegetables did almost twice as well with a 49% drop in their colorectal cancer risk.
A study of Chinese women in Singapore, a city in which air pollution levels are often high putting stress on the detoxification capacity of residents' lungs, found that in non-smokers, eating cruciferous vegetables lowered risk of lung cancer by 30%. In smokers, regular cruciferous vegetable consumption reduced lung cancer risk an amazing 69%!
Human population as well as animal studies consistently show that diets high in cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, are associated with lower incidence of a variety of cancers, including lung, colon, breast and ovarian cancer. Now, research published in the International Journal of Cancer (Zhao H, Lin J) suggests that bladder cancer can join the list.
University of Texas researchers analyzed the diets of 697 newly diagnosed bladder cancer cases and 708 healthy controls matched by age, gender and ethnicity. Average daily intake of cruciferous vegetables was significantly lower in those with bladder cancer than in healthy controls.
Those eating the most cruciferous vegetables were found to have a 29% lower risk of bladder cancer compared to participants eating the least of this family of vegetables.
Crucifers' protective benefits were even more pronounced in three groups typically at higher risk for bladder cancer: men, smokers, and older individuals (aged at least 64).
Diagnosed in about 336,000 people every year worldwide, bladder cancer is three times more likely to affect men than women, according to the European School of Oncology.
Crucifers' well known cancer-fighting properties are thought to result from their high levels of active phytochemicals called glucosinolates, which our bodies metabolize into powerful anti-carcinogens called isothiocyanates.
Isothiocyanates offer the bladder, in particular, significant protection, most likely because the majority of compounds produced by isothiocyanate metabolism travel through the bladder en route to excretion in the urine, suggested the researchers.
Reviewing 94 studies that evaluated the relationship between Brassica vegetables and cancer, researchers found that in 67% of the case control studies, eating these vegetables was associated with a reduced risk of cancer. In 70% of the studies, cabbage consumption was associated with a lower risk of cancer, especially of the lung, stomach and colon.
In addition to its cancer-preventive phytonutrients, cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps protect cells from harmful free radicals.
How many weekly servings of cruciferous vegetables do you need to lower your risk of cancer? Just 3 to 5 servings-less than one serving a day! (1 serving = 1 cup)
To get the most benefit from your cruciferous vegetables, be sure to choose organically grown vegetables (their phytonutrient levels are higher than conventionally grown), and steam lightly (this method of cooking has been shown to not only retain the most phytonutrients but to maximize their availability).
For a brief overview of the process through which cruciferous vegetables boost our ability to detoxify or cleanse harmful compounds and examples of how specific phytonutrients in crucifers work together to protect us against cancer.
Promote Gastrointestinal Health
Recent research has greatly advanced scientists' understanding of just how Brassica family vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, kale and Brussels sprouts may help prevent colon cancer. When these vegetables are cut, chewed or digested, a sulfur-containing compound called sinigrin is brought into contact with the enzyme myrosinase, resulting in the release of glucose and breakdown products, including highly reactive compounds called isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates, which include sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol, and are not only potent inducers of the liver's Phase II enzymes, which detoxify carcinogens, but research recently conducted at the Institute for Food Research in the U.K. shows one of these compounds, allyl isothicyanate, also inhibits mitosis (cell division) and stimulates apoptosis (programmed cell death) in human tumor cells.
Sulforaphane may also offer special protection to those with colon cancer-susceptible genes, suggests a study conducted at Rutgers University and published online in the journal Carcinogenesis.
In this study, researchers sought to learn whether sulforaphane could inhibit cancers arising from one's genetic makeup. Rutgers researchers Ernest Mario, Ah-Ng Tony Kong and colleagues used mice bred with a genetic mutation that switches off the tumor suppressor gene known as APC, the same gene that is inactivated in the majority of human colon cancers. Animals with this mutation spontaneously develop intestinal polyps, the precursors to colon cancer. The study found that animals who were fed sulforaphane had tumors that were smaller, grew more slowly and had higher apoptotic (cell suicide) indices. Additionally, those fed a higher dose of sulforaphane had less risk of developing polyps than those fed a lower dose.
The researchers found that sulforaphane suppressed enzymes called kinases that are expressed not only in animals, but also in humans, with colon cancer. According to lead researcher, Dr. Kong, "Our study corroborates the notion that sulforaphane has chemopreventive activity…Our research has substantiated the connection between diet and cancer prevention, and it is now clear that the expression of cancer-related genes can be influenced by chemopreventive compounds in the things we eat."
Promote Women's Health
Much research has focused on the beneficial phytonutrients in cabbage, particularly its indole-3-carbinole (I3C), sulforaphane, and indoles. These two compounds help activate and stabilize the body's antioxidant and detoxification mechanisms that dismantle and eliminate cancer-producing substances. I3C has been shown to improve estrogen detoxification and to reduce the incidence of breast cancer. In one small human study, researchers found that after I3C was given for 7 days, the rate at which estrogen was broken down through the liver's detoxification pathway increased nearly 50%. In addition, recent research is showing that it's not only how much estrogen a woman has that puts her at risk for breast cancer, but how her estrogen is metabolized. The route of estrogen metabolism via 2OH (2-hydroxylation), 4OH or 16OH pathways determines how active and possibly mutagenic a woman's estrogen actually is. I3C has been shown to promote the formation of the most benign estrogen metabolite, the 2OH form.
A case control study published in the journal Cancer Research confirmed that women who eat more Brassica family vegetables have a much lower risk of breast cancer. In this study of over 300 women in Shanghai, China (where Brassica vegetables such as Chinese cabbage are frequently consumed), the women's urinary levels of isothiocyanates (a type of beneficial compound found in Brassica vegetables) directly correlated with their breast cancer risk. Those women with the highest isothicyanate levels (i.e., those women consuming the most Brassica vegetables) had a 45% lower risk for breast cancer compared to those with the lowest levels of isothiocyanates.
This significant protective effect is not all that surprising considering that the isothiocyanates provided by Brassica vegetables, such as cabbage, are capable of numerous breast cancer-inhibiting actions including:
    * inducing the production of Phase II enzymes in the liver, which bind to potential carcinogens and remove them from the body
    * inducing apoptosis, the self-destruct sequence the body uses to eliminate old or cancerous cells
    * beneficially affecting the way in which steroid hormones, including estrogen, are metabolized and the way in which the estrogen receptors on cells respond to the hormone
    * and preventing excessive cellular proliferation 

Sulforaphane, potentially by altering gene expression, increases the production of antioxidants and detoxification enzymes, both of which help eliminate carcinogenic compounds, thus preventing tumors. In laboratory animals, sulforaphane has reduced breast tumor occurrence by more than 40%. One of the ways in which sulforaphane works its protective magic is by stimulating the production of glutathione, one of the body's most important internally produced antioxidants which plays a significant role in several liver detoxification pathways. An in vitro study published in the Journal of Nutrition suggests that sulforaphane can even help stop the proliferation of breast cancer cells in the later stages of their growth.
Cabbage's role as a staple vegetable in Polish cuisine may be why the breast cancer risk of Polish women triples after they immigrate to the U.S., rising to match that of U.S.-born women, suggests research presented at the American Association for Cancer Research's 2005 annual cancer prevention meeting in Baltimore, MD.
The study included hundreds of Polish women and Polish-born women in the U.S. who are part of the Polish Women's Health Study, a case-control breast cancer study. Participants were given a food frequency questionnaire that assessed their cabbage consumption when they were 12 to 13 years old and as adults.
Compared with women who ate only one serving or less of cabbage per week during adolescence, those who ate four or more servings were 72% less likely to develop breast cancer as adults.
In Poland, women typically eat an average of 30 pounds of cabbage and sauerkraut per year, while American women consume just 10 pounds per year. Polish women also traditionally eat more raw cabbage and sauerkraut in salads or as a side dish.
Although the lowest rate of breast cancer was found among women who consumed high amounts of raw- or short-cooked cabbage during adolescence, high consumption during adulthood also provided significant protection even among women who had eaten little cabbage during adolescence.
Proper cabbage preparation and cooking methods are essential for receiving its cancer-preventive effects:
Cabbage provides anti-carcinogenic glucosinolates, which are formed by the activity of myrosinase enzymes released when cabbage is sliced or chopped. Cooking denatures the myrosinase enzyme, thus stopping the production of glucosinolates.
In the body, the breakdown products of glucosinolates are thought to affect both the initiation phase of carcinogenesis-by decreasing the amount of DNA damage and cell mutation-and the promotion phase, by blocking the processes that inhibit programmed cell death and stimulate unregulated cell growth.
Cabbage foods were categorized as raw (raw sauerkraut and fresh cabbage), short-cooked (steamed sauerkraut and cabbage), and long-cooked (hunter's stew, cabbage rolls, and pierogi). Cabbage's protective effect was seen only for raw and short-cooked cabbage, not long-cooked, which was eliminated from the analysis.
To promote the production of the most glucosinolates, slice or chop your cabbage and let sit for 5-10 minutes before cooking, and cook lightly, steaming or sautéing for 5 minutes or less.
Peptic Ulcer Treatment
Raw cabbage juice is well documented as being remarkably effective in treating peptic ulcers. In one study, 1 liter of the fresh juice per day, taken in divided doses, resulted in total ulcer healing in an average of 10 days. The high content of glutamine, an amino acid that is the preferred fuel for the cells that line the stomach and small intestine, is likely the reason for cabbage juice's efficacy in healing ulcers.
Red Cabbage Protective against Alzheimer's Disease
In Alzheimer's disease, an increase in the production or accumulation of a protein called beta-amyloid protein results in brain cell damage and death from oxidative (free radical) stress. Antioxidant polyphenols abundant in red cabbage, particularly its anthocyanins, can protect brain cells against the damage caused by amyloid-beta protein, suggests a study published in Food Science and Technology.
Red cabbages contain significantly more protective phytonutrients than white cabbages:
The vitamin C equivalent, a measure of antioxidant capacity, of red cabbages is six to eight times higher than that of white cabbage.
A 100 gram (about 3 ounces) serving of raw red cabbage delivers 196.5 milligrams of polyphenols, of which 28.3 milligrams are anthocyanins. White cabbages yield 45 milligrams of polyphenols including .01 milligram of anthocyanins per 100 grams. Summing up their study results, the researchers concluded: "additional consumption of vegetables such as red cabbage may be beneficial to increase chemopreventive effects in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's."
Cardiovascular Benefits
Consumption of cruciferous vegetables, such as cabbage, is known to reduce the risk of a number of cancers, especially lung, colon, breast, ovarian and bladder cancer. Now, research reveals that crucifers provide significant cardiovascular benefits as well.
Researchers from the University of Hawaii have shown that, at the tiny concentration of just 100 micromoles per liter, a phytonutrient found in cruciferous vegetables, indole-3-carbinol, lowers liver cells' secretion of the cholesterol transporter, apolipoproteinB-100 by 56%! Apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB) is the main carrier of LDL cholesterol to tissues, and high levels have been linked to plaque formation in the blood vessels.
When liver cells were treated with I-3-C, not only was apoB-100 secretion cut by more than half, but significant decreases also occurred in the synthesis of lipids (fats), including triglycerides and cholesterol esters. (Maiyoh GK, Kuh JE, et al., J Nutr.) 
For about 20 years, we've known that many phytonutrients work as antioxidants to disarm free radicals before they can damage DNA, cell membranes and fat-containing molecules such as cholesterol. Now, new research is revealing that phytonutrients in crucifers, such as cabbage, work at a much deeper level. These compounds actually signal our genes to increase production of enzymes involved in detoxification, the cleansing process through which our bodies eliminate harmful compounds.

YUMMY Beet Hummus


* 1/2 pound beets (about 4 medium sized beets), scrubbed clean, cooked, peeled, and cubed*
* 2 Tbsp tahini sesame seed paste
* 5 Tbsp lemon juice
* 1 small clove garlic, chopped
* 1 Tbsp ground cumin
* 1 Tbsp lemon zest (zest from approx. 2 lemons)
* Generous pinch of sea salt or Kosher salt
* Fresh ground pepper to taste

*To cook the beets, cut off any tops, scrub the roots clean, put them in electric oil core skillet with 1/4 cup water or use 3 qt pan with steamer inset, with about 1/4-inch of water in the bottom of the pan.  Start medium temp. 350°, and cook until easily penetrated with a knife or fork about 1/2 hour.


Place all ingredients in a food processor (or blender) and pulse until smooth. Taste and adjust seasonings and ingredients as desired.

Chill and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days or freeze for longer storage.

Eat with pita chips, or with sliced cucumber or celery, or on a crostini with shaved mint.

Makes 2 cups.

My favorite Green Drink

Green drinks are natural, alkalizing, whole food drinks that are made up from green vegetables and sometimes certain fruits. Green drinks make great detoxifiers and blood cleansers and are also excellent sources of chlorophyll, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients.

 My Favorite ON THE GO green drink  away from my Green Star Juicer is UBER GREENS!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Cooking School Recipes Sept.

Sauerkraut Salad
Sauerkraut's benefits are two-fold. First, it's made of cabbage, which is known to fight cancer, treat peptic ulcers and provides vitamin C, fiber, manganese, vitamin B6 and folate. Fermenting the cabbage produces good bacteria known as probiotics, which produce beneficial enzymes, aid digestion and promote healthy flora in the digestive tract. Fermentation also produces isothiocyanates, compounds that have been shown to prevent cancer growth.
RED CABBAGE has six to eight times the vitamin C of white cabbage, as well as significantly more protective phytonutrients. The antioxidant polyphenols found in red cabbage, particularly its anthocyanins, have also been found to help prevent Alzheimer's disease.
·         3 1/2 cups cabbage, cut thin with cone #4
·         (try using red cabbage to add color & nutrition )
·         1 cup sauerkraut well drained
·         1 medium green pepper, chopped fine
·         1 medium red onion, chopped fine cone# 3
·         1 cup chopped celery cone # 3
·         3 tomatoes diced 
·         One pkg tempeh- bakin flavor, cooked, cut into ½” pieces

·         Dressing:
·         Lots of Lemon juice (2 lemons)
·         2 T. olive oil to lightly coat the salad
·         3 T. veganaise
·         Pepper & Salt

Prepare vegetable on Saladmaster machine. Combine ingredients in a large serving bowl. Add dressing & let sit for 30 min. Stir just before serving.

Pear Slaw
  • 2 celery ribs
  • 3 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 2 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon finely grated peeled fresh ginger
  • 2 firm pears, cut into with cone # 3
  • 2 scallions, thinly sliced diagonally
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves
  • 1/2 teaspoon finely chopped fresh hot red chile, or to taste
Whisk together juice, vinegar, and ginger and stir in celery and remaining ingredients with salt and pepper to taste. Let stand at room temperature 15 minutes before serving.
Creamy Corn Soup with Tahini
Did you know that half a cup of sesame seeds (tahini) contains three times more calcium than half a cup of whole milk? In addition to being an excellent dietary source of calcium, sesame seeds are also a good source of manganese, copper, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1 (thiamin), zinc, vitamin E, healthy protein, and fiber.
·         4 cups fresh or frozen organic corn
·         3 cups plain almond milk
·         1 onion, minced
·         1 green onion thinly sliced
·         4 garlic cloves, minced
·         1/2 t turmeric
·         1 red pepper, minced
·         2-3 carrots, sliced
·         2 stalks celery, minced
·         2 T  grapeseed oil
·         2 cooked red potatoes, diced  cone #3
·         4 T tahini (sesame butter)
·         2 cups veggie broth
·         1 1/2 t sea salt
·         Black pepper

Cook potatoes- al dente in 3 qt with insert for 10 min and set aside.
Slice the fresh corn off the cob and scrape each ear with the back of a knife. This removes the creamy part of the kernels left on the cob. Frozen corn may be used but fresh is better.
Blend 2 cups of the corn in a blender with the tahini, almond milk and set aside.
In the  large 7 quart pan, pre heat on medium heat for 2 mins then add oil, bell pepper, carrots, celery, onions, garlic and saute for 3-4 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients, bring to a high simmer –clicking occurs and turn down to low. Serve with minced green onion.

 Make your own Tahini (Sesame Seed Paste)
2 tablespoons of sesame seeds - they don't have to be unhulled
1/2 teaspoon of sesame oil
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1/4 cup of lukewarm water

Grind sesame seeds in a blender until smooth. Add sesame oil and sea salt. Then add 1/4 cup of water in a slow drizzle while blending and continue until all of the water has been added and the entire mixture is smooth. The quantities listed above make approximately half a cup of tahini. Be sure to store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Nasunin, an anthocyanin from eggplant peels, is a potent antioxidant and free-radical scavenger, and has protective activity against lipid peroxidation. (lipid peroxidation is the process whereby free radicals "steal" electrons from the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell damage)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 teaspoons fresh chopped parsley
  • 1 eggplant, cut into 1/2 inch cubes
  •  Sea salt to taste
  • 1 cup grated  Follow your heart cheese or vegan daiya cheese ( soy free dairy free cheese)
  • 2 zucchini, sliced
  • 2 medium yellow squash, cubed
  • 1 large onion, sliced  cone #4
  • 2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms cone #4
  • 1 green bell pepper, sliced thinly with knife
  • 1 chopped red bell pepper
  • 2 large tomatoes, chopped
Pre- Heat 5 qt pan or 7 qt on medium-low heat.
Add oil, onions, eggplant and garlic and cook until browning occurs.
Add all remaining vegetables except tomatoes.
Season with salt and pepper.
Cook over medium heat until clicking occurs on the vapo valve then turn to low-15 to 20 minutes.
Add the chopped tomatoes, cheese and parsley.
Serve with rice, quinoa or pasta.

Apples are loaded with powerful antioxidants, including quercetin, catechin, phloridzin and chlorogenic acid, protect against breast and colon cancers, prevent kidney stones, and help to lower bad cholesterol while raising the good kind. Studies show that eating 100g of apples can give an antioxidant effect that is equal to taking about 1,500mg of vitamin C. Apples contain malic acid and tartaric acid that can help prevent disturbances of the liver and digestion. Pears have anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogen glutathione which help prevent high blood pressure and the high vitamin C and copper content in pears act as good anti-oxidants that protect cells from damages. The high content of pectin in pears & apples make it very useful in helping to lower cholesterol levels.
3-4 Braeburn (or similar) apples cut with cone # 3-4 or 5
2-3 Pears cut with cone # 3-4 or 5
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2-3 Tablespoons lemon juice
3 Tablespoons to 1/4 c. *succanat or * turbinado sugar (to taste) (see below)
2 Tablespoons to 1/4 c. brown sugar (to taste)
2 Tablespoons (more or less) Gluten Free Flour mix – depending on juiciness of the apples
1/3 c. GF quick oats, roughly ground almonds & walnuts, or quinoa flakes
3 T. earth balance or butter
optional: freshly ground nutmeg (1 tsp)
Prep the apples & pears with saladmaster machine, and sprinkle with lemon juice.
Add all other ingredients and stir slightly
Pour into EOS (electric oil core skillet)
Start cooking at 300 degrees, when clicking occurs turn to low.
Cool slightly before serving (5-10 minutes).
Serve over coconut bliss or ice cream.
*Sucanat stands for SUgar CAne NATural. It's an organic sweetener made from 100% certified organic sugar cane. It's minimally processed to remain a natural and very tasty sweetener. After the sugar cane is harvested, it is pressed to squeeze out the cane juice. The juice is clarified, filtered, and evaporated to remove excess water. The resulting syrup is then crystallized, and it is rich in a molasses flavor plus the vitamins, minerals, and trace elements found in the sugar cane plant remain as a source of nutrition. *Turbinado sugar is from pure cane sugar extract. The term turbinado comes from the technique used in the making of this sugar. The sugar is made by crushing the freshly-cut sugar cane to squeeze out the juice, rich in, vitamins and minerals. The cane juice is evaporated and spun in a centrifuge cylinder or turbine to produce the large sparkling golden crystals.  

Rainbow Goodness

Hello & Welcome  to Vegan Orchard
I'm excited to have a vegan site up again!  

I spent the weekend giving away organic salad samples at Solfest  it was so fulfilling giving rainbow filled sample cups........ full of fiber & nutrition to so many people. 
Here is the recipe to enjoy:
¼ wedge of red cabbage 
¼ wedge of white cabbage
1 chiogga beet (white and red striped beet when cut in half, found in most health markets)
1 golden yellow beet
1 watermelon daikon radish (looks like a watermelon when cut open, found in most health markets)
1 stalk celery
1 large or 2 small carrot
1 greenhouse English cucumber (thin skin)
1 green apple
1 zucchini
½ cup of Organic Goddess Dressing (Tahini based salad dressing)
¼ cup of shitake dressing (or light vinaigrette will do instead)
Preparation: I use the saladmaster machine to prep the vegetables, or use a medium sized grater.
With cone #2 cut up all vegetables and apple (make sure you have a large bowl that can hold all the above shredded veggies.)
Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the salad
Toss salad with dressing and serve.