Monday, September 27, 2010

Rainbow Goodness

Hello & Welcome  to Vegan Orchard
I'm excited to have a vegan site up again!  

I spent the weekend giving away organic salad samples at Solfest  it was so fulfilling giving rainbow filled sample cups........ full of fiber & nutrition to so many people. 
Here is the recipe to enjoy:
¼ wedge of red cabbage 
¼ wedge of white cabbage
1 chiogga beet (white and red striped beet when cut in half, found in most health markets)
1 golden yellow beet
1 watermelon daikon radish (looks like a watermelon when cut open, found in most health markets)
1 stalk celery
1 large or 2 small carrot
1 greenhouse English cucumber (thin skin)
1 green apple
1 zucchini
½ cup of Organic Goddess Dressing (Tahini based salad dressing)
¼ cup of shitake dressing (or light vinaigrette will do instead)
Preparation: I use the saladmaster machine to prep the vegetables, or use a medium sized grater.
With cone #2 cut up all vegetables and apple (make sure you have a large bowl that can hold all the above shredded veggies.)
Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the salad
Toss salad with dressing and serve.

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